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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith. ABSENT: Mary Fellows.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: July 10  should note that Marie Smith was absent. August 14 started at 7:00 not 7:30. Upon motion of Mrs. Hall, the minutes of the meetings of July 10,  and August 14, 2012 were unanimously accepted as amended.

CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. Juliano reported that the Probate Judge in Bethel  requests access to the downstairs vault to retrieve old commitment records when there is no one present and would like the town to pay for indexing those past records.  Mrs. Hall suggested that his letter be forwarded to First Selectman Llodra. She also said that the vault contains storage by other departments so that we cannot grant their request for sole access.

U. S. Electrical Service sent a letter requesting information about our electric usage in order to become our electrical supplier. The Board will not reply to this letter.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Joseph Tortora has been volunteering in this building since 1999. He believed that he would have a position here when he retired from the Post Office in 2011. He has seen people obtain positions but not him. He would like to become a full fledged member of the team. Is there a problem with him? He is asking for a step up and he would like to fill in when someone is needed.  He has had 13 years experience here. He thanks the Board for listening to him. Mr. Juliano said that the Board will take what he has said into consideration and that they do have an austerity program.

Corrine Speidel would like to bake cheesecakes in the Town Hall kitchen. She needs a site in ordered to get licensed to sell to restaurants. She would like to have 2-3 hours per week in the kitchen to start. The Board noted that the rate is $25 per hour. She will do the math and advise the Board if it is feasible for her to rent here. She would use the convection oven.

BUILDING ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT. Mr. Mahoney reported that Flagpole Radio Café cancelled their fall shows and will resume again in the spring. The request from Hayden Bates cannot be granted as the time requested is during mid winter break and there is another venue upstairs at that time. Mr. Bates will find another date. The roofing will begin in a couple of weeks. The windows will be done after that and the plantings will be done after the windows. The contract for the elevator will be discussed in New Business. The theater rugs need cleaning after the summer. Red Baron  has done this in the past. Mr. Mahoney will get two prices. Rentals for the downstairs have been a problem because of the change in the number of hours that people have to rent for. He feels we should go back to $30 per hour for as many hours as they want to rent the room. He said that very few people call him back when they find out that there is a minimum number of hours to rent. Mr. Long suggested giving the prices a bit longer since they took so long to arrive at and to post. The Board agreed and also agreed to an hour rental if the room is used to serve ice cream and then the children go to the movie.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Juliano noted that the boilers have been punched and cleaned. Boilers 1 and 2 work fine. The safety valves are installed. Harford Steam Boiler wants to come to drain down the boilers; Mr. Juliano will suggest that they come when the boilers are running to inspect them and draw the steam down at that time instead of making two visits. There appears to be a leak in Boiler #1 but Mr. Juliano cannot find one. It may be from water from the chimney as there is no cap on the chimney. The painter of the cupola said he will begin tomorrow but he has put this off for several weeks. He is requesting more money for the job but Mr. Juliano said that he was the low bidder and he will not be given more money.   

REPORT BY THE MARY HAWLEY SOCIETY. ~They meet on Thursday the 13th.

BILLS FOR PAYMENT. Mrs. Pierce moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $25,646.61 ~pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Hall and unanimously carried.

Bill from Constellation Energy for 12/22/09 to 1/29/10. ~Mrs. Fellows was not present to report on this.

Report of progress of staff space, gym, theater, Alexandria Room dressing rooms and restroom improvements. Mrs. Fellows was not present to make a report.

Mrs. Smith will remind Mrs. Fellows that a refrigerator has not been purchased yet.

Review of “Brochure”. ~Mrs. Fellows was not present.

Mrs. Hall moved to discuss and act on the Otis Elevator contract for next year. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried. Allied Elevator also submitted a bid. Mrs. Pierce moved to accept the Allied Elevator bid for servicing both elevators beginning in January, 2013 and  to terminate the Otis Elevator contract effective January 2013. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Prepare CIP Request.  On September 17 there will be a meeting on the CIP. The Board of Managers is invited to present a new list prioritizing three items over $250,000 and categorizing them as to which fiscal years. The top priority will be Blu Ray and the sound system; upgrading windows will be the second priority. The third priority will be to replace the roof, new boilers and ductless AC units.

COMMENTS AROUND THE TABLE: Mrs. Hall distributed a story about Blu Ray being necessary by the end of next year and how fund raising was done by one municipality. Mrs. Pierce said that we will need to have the ability to do pre-show advertising when we go to Blu Ray. Mr. Long said that there is discussion in the article detailing a way to get reimbursement up to 80%.   ~~

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Upon motion of Mrs. Hall, executive session was entered at 8:31 p.m. to discuss personnel matters, tenant/renters matters and restructuring, job descriptions/assignments. Second by Mrs., The motion carried unanimously. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem

MINUTES - Executive Session
Regular Meeting--September 11, 2012

Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to go into Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed.

Present: James Juliani, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Tom Long. Margot Hall
Absent:  Mary Fellows

The Board discussed personnel, tenants/renters matters

MOTION made by Tom Long and seconded by Margot Hall to go out of Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 9:20 P.M.

MOTION made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to give Tom Mahoney a bonus in the amount of $2,500.00 in recognition of the extra duties he attended to during the past months.  The bonus is to be included in the next pay period.
Motion unanimously passed.

MOTION made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Marie Smith to refund $700.00 to the party holding an event on June 30, 2012 in the Alexandria Room.  Motion discussed and unanimously passed.

Motion made by Margot Hall and seconded by Tom Long to adjourn this meeting.  Motion unanimously passed at 9:28 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Margot S. Hall
Vice Chairman